Embracing Your Intuition: Development Group
to Feb 1

Embracing Your Intuition: Development Group

Series Starting 1/11/25

I began the “Embracing Intuition” workshop series in 2019. In doing these, I fell in love with watching the magic and delight wash over people when they first realized how awesomely connected they are. It brings me such joy to help others see their own ability to connect to loved ones and to use intuition to enrich their lives.

This group is not just for people who know they are already intuitive. This is about exploring and embracing ourselves. So, if your thinking brain is telling you that you have to know you are intuitive to do this, suspend that thought and go with intrigue or gut. Or, reach out to me if you are unsure. If it is not the right time for you, I will let you know if that is my opinion!

About the Workshop:

This group will be a safe space where we can see, hear and validate each other.  

This will be a soft space where you can practice connecting to your own guides and loved ones, do it for others (if you wish) and receive validation from me and others that you are indeed highly intuitive!

I'd love for you to join.  

Here are the details:

Embracing Your Intuition

Saturdays 1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1 from 3-5 pm

Cost:  $315 ($330 with credit card) for four-week series

Location:  Zoom or in-person with possible in-person finale/meet-up

Please sign up here online

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Coming Soon: Trauma Release (TRE) Workshops
to Jul 3

Coming Soon: Trauma Release (TRE) Workshops

Trauma Release (TRE)

New Offering Beginning January 2025. Please schedule a 15-min chat with me to determine if it is a right fit.

In 2021, I was guided in meditation to “shake the trauma” out. A theme had been emerging in my client sessions; I was consistently guided to help people see and accept and heal their trauma. So, this topic was of no surprise to me.

A few months later, I then received the message that I would help people release trauma in a spirit-guided way and this was a surprise as I had NO idea what that meant at the time or how I would offer help to people for somatic healing.

Since then, I have been guided on a journey through understanding both the spiritual and scientific ways in which shaking/tremoring can help us release trauma. While I first received the info from intuition, I quickly found out that shaking has been an established therapeutic practice for trauma healing and release.

Through a series of synchronous events, I landed in a TRE workshop. All of the messages I had been receiving about shaking came together. I knew immediately that I was meant to teach TRE.

Beginning in 2025, I will be offering TRE in 1:1 sessions and in group workshops. I envision both straight TRE (sticking straight with trauma release) and sessions in which together we access Spirit and the “other side” to help with the release and healing of trauma, incorporating TRE.

If you would like to learn more, please email me or schedule a chat so that we can connect and see if TRE makes sense for you.

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Embracing Intuition 2
to May 25

Embracing Intuition 2

(Keep scrolling down the page to see more workshops)

For those who have taken the first series of Embracing Intuition (1) and would like to continue on and deeper, I am offering Embracing Intuition 2.

Spring Series Schedule:

Saturdays 5/4, 5/11, 5/18 and 5/25 11:00 am - 1:00 pm via Zoom (in-person meet up after series)

If you have taken a previous Embracing Intuition 1 workshop, please click here to sign up or email me with questions.

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