Series Starting 1/11/25
I began the “Embracing Intuition” workshop series in 2019. In doing these, I fell in love with watching the magic and delight wash over people when they first realized how awesomely connected they are. It brings me such joy to help others see their own ability to connect to loved ones and to use intuition to enrich their lives.
This group is not just for people who know they are already intuitive. This is about exploring and embracing ourselves. So, if your thinking brain is telling you that you have to know you are intuitive to do this, suspend that thought and go with intrigue or gut. Or, reach out to me if you are unsure. If it is not the right time for you, I will let you know if that is my opinion!
About the Workshop:
This group will be a safe space where we can see, hear and validate each other.
This will be a soft space where you can practice connecting to your own guides and loved ones, do it for others (if you wish) and receive validation from me and others that you are indeed highly intuitive!
I'd love for you to join.
Here are the details:
Embracing Your Intuition
Saturdays 1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1 from 3-5 pm
Cost: $315 ($330 with credit card) for four-week series
Location: Zoom or in-person with possible in-person finale/meet-up
Please sign up here online